Patient Testimonials
Roger K.: Three years ago you saved me from having knee replacement. Two weeks ago I was part of Team USA in the World Triathlon Championships in Gold Coast, Australia. Thank you very much for such a great job!!
Joe M.: About 4 before coming to Dr. Teitelbaum, I developed severe pain in my shoulder. It was diagnosed as coming from the rotator cuff. I went to Dr. Teitelbaum for prolotherapy. After 2 sessions of injections, my pain decreased by half. It continued to get better with the 3rd and 4th injections, and now it only hurts occasionally when I lie on it when sleeping. I highly recommend Prolotherapy, and do not understand why it is not more widely used as a first line treatment instead of surgery.
Murray J.: I had back pain for a long time. After evaluating me, Dr. Teitelbaum recommended Prolotherapy. The treatment was only mildly uncomfortable, and I experienced very little soreness afterwards. By the 2nd session, I realized there was already some improvement, and after 7 sessions I felt my back was strong enough to discontinue further treatment. As a happy side effect, my energy level seems to have increased as well. I would certainly recommend this to others!
April K.: My son had severe congenital muscular torticollis. He had intensive therapy, a helmet, and met with an Orthopedist regularly. Dr. T’s cranial manipulation further improved William’s head and facial asymmetry, which was noticed by the staff at Cranial Technology in Dallas. They said they had never documented further improvement to the degree of William’s once the helmet was discontinued. As William continued to grow up, Dr. T helped us with a number of other issues with William, including crawling, walking, running, reflux, and constipation. I constantly refer friends to Dr. Teitelbaum, as does my physical therapist. Now, when my son’s reflux acts up, he will come to me and say, “It’s time to call Dr. Teitelbaum again!”
Flo V.: I have chronic and recurring low back pain and an arthritic knee. Dr. Teitelbaum treats this with Osteopathic manipulation and acupuncture. He truly has “healing hands”. When I leave the office, I no longer have back pain. He is an extremely caring doctor.
Kelly W.: I initially came to see Dr. Teitelbaum with constant back and hip pain, with shooting pain down my leg. His gentle Osteopathic manipulation gave me 100% relief after a number of visits. Since then, I have returned a number of times over the years, mostly due to falls while roller blading, and the fix is usually very quick. My daughter also went with her TMJ, after being told she needed surgery, and he fixed her in just a few visits. I highly recommend Dr. T!
Laura W.: I was referred to Dr. Teitelbaum by another Osteopath, as well as several other medical professionals, as he has an impressive reputation. I had severe sacroiliac pain- so bad that I could barely bend over. We started Prolotherapy, and after about 3 sessions I noticed considerable relief. I needed 11 sessions total, which concluded in 2009, and have had no issues with my Sacroiliac joint since that time. I am a big proponent of Prolotherapy. He has since provided Prolotherapy for my neck, upper back, and left shoulder- all with good results. It even cured my cervical vertigo! I also see Dr. T for Acupuncture and Osteopathic manipulation, which has provided a huge increase in my energy level. I have come to enjoy our frequent talks about religion, TCU football, travel tips, and our dogs. He is a doctor and friend in whom I have complete faith and trust.
Kyle W.: I was suffering from post-surgical depression and anxiety. A psychiatrist had me on several medications. With the Osteopathic manipulation, acupuncture, and ear acupuncture, I was calmer, able to sleep better, and was kinder to my family. I felt like my old self again. After a short time, I was able to get off the pills entirely. Dr. T, you have an amazing gift, and under your treatment I have made an amazing recovery. I would recommend this treatment for anyone seeking help without the use of medications.
Thomas H.: I went to Dr. Teitelbaum with back pain, which he treated with Prolotherapy. This worked very well, and now I don’t have any pain. The prolotherapy was not uncomfortable. I would definitely recommend this treatment to others.
Mary C.: I love golf! Dr. Teitelbaum says it is my passion. Thanks to his Osteopathic manipulation and prolotherapy, I have been able to play without pain or concern about hurting my back since 2013! I had never heard of Prolotherapy before that time, but I would strongly recommend it for anyone experiencing ligament problems. It is NOT painful!! Thank you, Dr. Teitelbaum!