The picture is of me treating my grandson Wyatt (age 1 year) while my grandson Henry (age 2 1/2) maintains quality control!
One of the most rewarding and enjoyable parts of my practice is treating children and infants. The young ones respond very well to natural treatments, and this helps avoid the use of head helmets, antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals.
Childhood conditions which we frequently treat include:
- Abnormal head shape (Plagiocephaly)
- Colic, Reflux and digestive problems
- Recurring ear infections (Otitis Media)
- Scoliosis
- Asthma and respiratory diseases
ABNORMAL HEAD SHAPE: (Plagiocephaly)
During childbirth, pressure on the skull of the emerging infant has been measured at 27 pounds per square inch! As a result, that tiny skull will often be oddly shaped at birth. Fortunately, the skull usually returns to a normal shape by six weeks of age, but in some children this resolution is incomplete, and problems can result. Cranial helmets are often recommended as treatment. However, gentle Osteopathic Manipulation is often all that is necessary to reshape the head, and the helmet can be avoided. Osteopathic Manipulation is painless, and the child usually enjoys it!
A major nerve that controls stomach movement (the Vagus nerve) can be pinched as it emerges from the base of the skull. This can interfere with normal swallowing and digestion. The results of this condition can include spitting up, poor digestion, and colic. Additionally, the lower digestive tract is controlled by nerves which emerge from the lower spine and tailbone, so that restriction in these areas can result in constipation and diarrhea. Gentle Osteopathic Manipulation can relieve these restrictions. Additionally, Cold Laser Acupuncture Point stimulation can be used to painlessly stimulate proper nerve function.
The middle ear is normally drained by the Eustachian tube. If this becomes pinched it will not drain, and infection results. These infections are treated with antibiotics. If the antibiotics fail, surgery for the placement of tubes is recommended. By gently applying Osteopathic Manipulationn to the skull, we are frequently able to release any impingement on the Eustachian tubes, so the ear can drain on its own. Once the ear is able to drain, the body's immune system is usually able to handle the infection. This can avoid the need for surgical placement of ear tubes.
Several forms of Scoliosis will straighten with the employment of Osteopathic Manipulation. It is also used preventatively for children with a family history of scoliosis.
Osteopathic Manipulation can lessen the number and severity of asthma episodes by addressing the upper thoracic spine and rib cage, as this helps open the air tubes. Other respiratory diseases also respond to this approach. Cold Laser Acupuncture Point stimulation is often added to painlessly stimulate proper nerve function.
It is a blessing to be able to provide children with painless and effective treatments that are free of side effects. Please feel free to inquire if these treatments would be of benefit for the children in your life!